Faith, Family, & Focaccia

A faith and culture Mommy blog, because real life gets all mixed together like that.


Moonspasms: Day 30 of the April Poetry Challenge

On the final day of the 30-poems-in-30-days challenge it seems fitting to close my month-long spasm of creativity with a poem that mirrors the opening. My first, light-hearted little offering described a morning wake-up in the soft surroundings of my sunlit bed. At the close of this adventure I am offering another haiku that also deals with my bed – or rather, the missing of it in the late hours of the night. Considering how many hours of sleep I have donated to this poetic outpouring, it could end no other way.


Oh, inspiration

must you so often visit

after my bedtime?

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Be With: Day 29 of the April Poetry Challenge

No introduction today. Sometimes the soul can only speak in poetry.



Be With


“I just want to be with you.”

my child’s plea

so sweet,

so simple.

a stutter trying to interrupt the fast-revolving wheel

my spinning presence

in no moment standing still.

It feels unnatural to stop

with no objective

no self-validating task.

to only be

be with.

And later, open journal in my lap,

I grope for prayer,

for words to wake a passion in my soul,

to feel connection to a God I’ve walked with for so long

but feels tonight so far away.

Then, as my pen spills ink across a page

of spinning words, I feel an urge

a child’s longing

simple words that spell themselves

into my prayer.

I just want to be with you for a while

be with.

An image that my daughter loves

presents itself to eyes closed more in weariness than prayer.

The sister who sat at her master’s feet*

eschewing spinning,


soul-consuming tasks

to sit and learn.

“She chose the better part.”

Rebuke refused, and welcome given her instead,

the disciple who knew how to be

be with.

I want to be that eager girl

whose eagerness leads not to movement, but to peace

to patient sitting,



knowing I will

find all that I seek

and even more

if I can simply learn to be

be with.


* The sisters referenced are Mary and Martha, whose story is told in Luke 10:38-42.