Faith, Family, & Focaccia

A faith and culture Mommy blog, because real life gets all mixed together like that.


Poem – the lesson of a snowflake

close up photography of snowflake

Photo by Egor Kamelev on

What is the lesson of a snowflake?

this fragile, frozen traveler

that wends a path from heaven to my feet.

Is its flight a happenstance?

Or might it be a messenger,

an envoy sent to teach me some eternal

or ephemeral


Perhaps it comes to teach me aught of beauty.

To draw me into reverent contemplation —

a frozen moment of breath-catching awe —


crystallized in tiny spires of ice

that catch and play with quiet winter light.

Such power woven through so delicate an incarnation.


Or else, it might be teaching me of structure.

Of how the rules of physics

and molecular arrangement

can build with purpose, even in most frivolous display.

How order

in the wild chaos of a grey and cloudy sky

can even mighty nature tame

for my soul’s solace and delight.


But what of the most minuscule of flakes?

The germ or column bare of decorative arms?

The insubstantial chip of ice that barely merits notice

or inclusion in the family of frozen beauty?

The tiny missile that is gone

almost before it meets the chill warmth of my shivering skin?

What lesson can this disappearing flake of snow convey?


Why, this small bit of snow is the most wise and telling of my teachers.

For in its briefest life it carries a reminder,

that while the winter may be coming,

the warmth of life can always melt the cold.

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Lessons From the Sky

This Independence Day we are visiting some of Tyler’s extended family in Colorado for a long-weekend. It is a chance to reconnect with family I haven’t seen in years, and to get away from the rush of New Jersey life. It is also a chance to form a new relationship with a part of my Country with which I have had very limited interaction. 

I’m a coastal girl, and since our sojourn in Europe I am decidedly a city girl as well. But, for these few days I am incredibly grateful for the chance to learn from a very different part of my native culture.

Lessons from the Sky

Wide open Colorado sky,
you can’t make up your mind.
Is your soul the brilliant blue,
bathing in reflected light
that rolls and dances with cascading white?
Or is your truth the smudged and streaking gray
that cries cold tears upon
my lately sun-warmed skin?
Expressions mix above this bowl twixt mountains spread.
And call forth from my center answering cries
of joy and pain. 
And in that mingling inner song 
I recognize:
The interweaving light and dark that you display
I feel as well, 
and this wide open sky supplies the space
to speak a truth too big to hold inside. 
